Cell Testing Services
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Our extensive cell testing capabilities include cycle-life testing, environmental testing, EIS, cell swelling testing, and cell autopsy.

Used for EIS testing

Using a multimeter with a fixed resistance load is the most accurate method to test a battery's health because with those things you can assess the battery's voltage, its resistance, its temperature, and thus how it will behave under a given load.

Used for EIS testing
Cell Testing
- 5V Test Channels: 10 mA to 1000 Amps
- 50 V test chambers
- Electrochemical-Impedance Spectroscopy
- Environmental Testing Chambers (-40 C to +170 C)
- Safety Testing: Please inquire.
Cell Autopsy and Analysis
- Pack and cell dissambly
- Harvesting components for material characterization.
- Cycle life testing
- Environmental testing
- EV, HEV, PHEV testing
- Cell failure analysis and autopsy
- High-rate testing
- Cell swelling testing